Wednesday, January 24, 2018

My Newest Pattern
Lacy Valentine Hotpad

Lacy Valentine Hotpad
This hotpad was inspired from when I was a child and we made valentine holders at school and sometimes used doilies for decorations.
Materials: Worsted Weight Yarn in Red and White
(You will have more than enough yarn with one ball of each)
Crochet Hook: Size 5.00
Tapestry Hook

With red starting at bottom ch 4.
Row 1: Work 4 dc in 4th ch from hook,turn.
Row 2: Ch 3, 2 dc in 1st dc, dc in each dc across, then 3 dc in last dc. Ch 3, turn.
Row 3: Ch 3, 1 dc in 1st dc, dc in each dc across, then 2 dc in last dc. Ch 3, turn.
Rows 4 to 11: repeat rows 2 and 3 alternately.
Rows 12 to 18: Ch 3, 1 dc in each dc across, turn.
Row 19: Sl st in first dc, ch 3, dc in each of next 13, hdc in next dc, sc in dc, hdc in dc, dc in next 14 dc skipping last dc then turn.
First Side:
Row 20: Sl st in first dc, dc in each of next 11 dc, dc 2 together, turn.
Row 21: Ch 3, dc 2 together, dc in each of next 9 dc, skip last st, turn.
Row 22: Sl st in first dc, ch 3, dc in each of next 7 dc 2 together, turn.
Row 23: Ch 3, dc 2 together, dc in each of next 5 skipping last dc, finish off.
Second Side:
Row 24: Attach yarn to outside of heart skipping first st, then dc in 11 dc until last two sts, then dc 2 together, turn.
Row 25: Ch 3, dc next 2 dc together, dc in next 9 dc, skip last dc, turn.
Row 26: Slip st in first dc, ch 3, dc in next 7, dc 2 together, turn.
Row 27: Ch 3, dc 2 together, dc in next 5 dc, do not finish off.
Starting at this edge single crochet around the whole heart with two dc at heart point and 2 dc in the top of each heart corner to make them rounded, then sl st to first st.
Make another round of sc. 
With white Ch 5.
Row 1: Dc in first ch, turn.
Row 2: Ch 4, dc in sp, ch 1 dc in sp, ch 1 dc in second ch of starting ch, turn.
Row 3: Ch 4, dc in same sp, ch 1, dc in same sp across having 2 dc in each space with ch 1 between each dc until end ch 1 dc in second ch of starting ch.
Row 4: Ch 4, dc in first sp, (ch 1, dc in next sp) across then in last sp ch 1 dc and ch 1 dc in second ch of starting ch.
Rows 5 to 16: Repeat row 4.
Row 16: Ch 4, skip first sp dc in next sp, ch 1, dc in next sp until last sp, skip last sp, dc in second ch of starting ch 4.  
Row 17: Ch 4, dc in same sp, (ch 1, dc in next sp) across until last sp, ch 1, dc in last sp, ch 1 dc in second ch of starting ch.
Repeat rows 16 and 17 twice ending with row 16.
First Side:
Row 18: Ch 4, skip first sp, dc in next sp, (ch 1, dc in next sp) 7 times, turn.
Row 19: Ch 4, skip first sp, dc in next sp, (ch 1, dc in next sp) 5 times, dc in second ch of starting ch.
Row 20: Ch 4, skip first sp, dc in next sp, (ch 1, dc in next sp) 4 times, ch 1, sk last sp dc in second ch of starting ch. End off.
Second Side:
Skip 1 space to the left of finished side then attach yarn and complete the three rows of previous side.
Do not bind off.
Ch 2, hdc around whole heart until the top between points, dc in each of next 4 hdc keeping last st on hook then pull through all 5 sts on hook then continue hdc until end then ending sl st in first ch.
Place both sides together and join yarn at the bottom point. Sc through both layers around then join at end. Sew in all ends and enjoy!!!

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